Life has been crazy the last few weeks. I've had an unusual amount of travel for work, which has left Mr. SDK here at home, eating my frozen homemade lasagna and turkey sandwiches. { Of course I felt the need to make sure that I planned a week's worth of meals for him while I was away. Lest I forget that just one short year ago the dude was a bachelor and living off pizza and chicken fingers. Like he can't feed himself or something. Oh well, I digress. }
With our routine all out of whack, it was great to be home for a week to settle back in. And this weekend we were fortunate enough to see both sets of our parents! Dinner with the in-laws and a two nights with my parents. Now we're recharged and set for one last week of work before our anniversary trip.
{ Cuteness abounds at every turn in Mom's house. } |
Of course, no trip to Macon is complete without a Saturday morning trip to the church with Mom to arrange the flowers for Sunday's service. This being Easter weekend, the ladies were, let's say, ambitious. This was our project:
That would be an eight-foot cross made of two different kinds of lilies, two different kinds of mums and deutzia from one lady's yard. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Not that I did much of it. Though it did take me, Dad, SDK, Allison, Mr. Danner, a hammer and a good bit of finagling to actually get it into its stand in the choir loft.
{ This is the aisle I walked down at our wedding! } |
Then at one point during the service, I saw it start to sway. I'm looking around, trying to make eye contact with Dad in a sea of ushers on the other side of the room while singing a hymn and thinking, "How on earth would we stop that thing, me in my lilac Easter dress and 3" patent leather stilettos { love! } sitting here toward the back in trusty Pew #59?" Thankfully, fidgety man in the choir sat still. Crisis averted. Good thing, too, because I was about ready to make a run for it.
So Pew #59, really? Really. Our pews have numbers. See, the church was founded in 1826. And at the time there wasn't a ton of money for construction. So folks paid for a pew much like people today will pay for a memorial or honorary brick. And we've sat in Pew #59 since I was 16. { Though now when SDK and I visit, we'll spill over into #58 or #60, depending on if their usual folks are there. }
{ I so want a garden like this one day. } |
All in all, it was a great weekend at home. Dad "worked Spencer like a rented mule" taking apart an old metal shed { formerly used to house Lance crackers... yum, Toastchees! }, Mom, Kates and I did some shopping, we ate lots of good food and played Pictionary Telephone.
{ Aww. How cute. They match! } |
We laughed 'till we cried. It was just what I needed.
I hope that your Easter weekend was every bit as blessed!
There in the ground His body lay, light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day, up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine, bought with the precious blood of Christ