Monday, August 29, 2011

Sun & Sand

So... I've been AWOL for two whole weeks.  And for two reasons, actually.  First, Spencer and I were lucky enough to have a full week here.

{ What is up with my hair? }

It was really a gift.  Peace, quiet, sun and sand.  We saw manatees, dolphins and sea turtles.  And I went through an entire bottle of sunscreen.  { But not a bit of sunburn. Booyah. } Thank you, Truett, for a wonderful week away!

I went with all of these grand intentions of cooking and blogging... and while we did cook, there was virtually no internet connection.  So I abandoned the computer and stuck my feet in the sand. No regrets. : )

As for last week, well, the post-vacation-email-pile-up was compounded by an unusually busy week at the office.  So busy that we ordered Papa John's one night { I forget how much I love that stuff! }, ate PB&J another, and then cleaned out every Lean Cuisine in the freezer.  Hosting a meeting for 1,000 people has a way of eating up some serious time.  { It was a simulcast with wardrobe, lights, cameras and all... I felt like Diane Sawyer!  So fun. }

But now that life is back to normal again, I'm keenly aware that my kitchen feels neglected.  Back to baking ASAP!

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