Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Better Late Than Never!

So I'm a little late with the Christmas recap.  The whole emergency-room-overnight-stay-till-Christmas-Eve-craziness kind of put me behind, but getting snowed in makes for time to write.  Better late than never!

We had a little Christmas Party at our house, so of course I channeled Mom to cover the place in Christmas.  I'm pretty sure a Hallmark store exploded onto our tree.  Jayne would be so proud.

And if you're channeling the legen- { wait for it } -dary Philly G then there has to be a flower arrangement.  I think she was proud of me on this one.  Except that my container leaked.  Hence the dish towel.  Oh well.  Next time I'll line it with foil.

And if you're going to channel the women in our family, then the infamous Maude is next on the list.  Which means Christmas cupcakes are not far behind.  A little piped white chocolate { okay clearly it's green }, a few Red Hots and... BING!  Instant holly berries.

Just prior to what shall now be referred to as the Emory Adventist Adventure, we had the in-laws over for dinner.  Well, I guess they're really only my in-laws.  They're Spencer's parents, sister and such. : ) However you slice it,  I got to break out the china, silver and crystal and I was PUMPED. { Oh my word I am my mother.  At least I'm aware of it. }

And then we finally made it to Macon to wake up there on Christmas morning, post-Emory Adventist Adventure.  I've never not woken up with my parents on a birthday, and I'm so thankful to have been able to have done it for the 27th time.

No Gamble family Christmas is complete without some sort of redneck gift { or gifts, as the case may be }.  While I'm embarrassed to admit that we actually like our comfy $5-clearance-bin-at-the-tractor-store-camouflage-deer-patterned-flannel pajama bottoms, Spencer's hat stole the show.  Picture a camouflage hat with animated, light-up deer antlers that sings "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer".  Oh yes, and it came with a turkey call.  Thanks, Jimmy Boy.  If there are turkey in the suburbs of Atlanta, we'll find 'em.

How on earth do you top that?  Well, to be honest you don't.  But we tried.  With "It's A Major Award!" pajamas for Dad.  { I need suggestions for next year, people.  Help a girl out. }

So... while this Christmas didn't exactly go as we'd planned, it was Christmas all the same.  Here's to 2011!

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