Sunday, June 5, 2011

Green Acres

I've talked about Deer Creek Farms before.  Love that place.  And they have way more than just strawberries.

Like squash!  Which I bought and used to make Pasta Primavera the other night when Spencer went to a Braves Game.  I've gotten him to eat zucchini, but not squash.  Not yet at least.
They do have zucchini, though.  And not just any zucchini, mind you.  Henry and Lewis were all too happy to show off their gargantuan find.  Sadly, it will not fit on my grill.  No ma'am.
And then there are these babies.
No, they aren't raspberries.  They're blackberries!  Big, beautiful blackberries.  That served as the inspiration for the Pocket Pies I blogged about over at Healthy Happier yesterday.
When Mom and I stopped by, Amy mentioned that when they had been picking the day before, she and the kids had found tiny little blue and brown speckled eggs in a nest among the vines.  So of course I wanted to see.  But instead of eggs, here's what we found.
{ Can you see? }
{ MOM.  The meatloaf! }
Teeny, tiny baby mockingbirds!  Less than 24 hours old and no bigger than a chicken egg.  I took about as many pictures as I could, trying not to disturb them.  And then their Momma came back.  I don't think she liked us lingering around her babies.  Guess I don't really blame her.  If I (a) had babies and (b) saw a godzilla-sized creature wielding a large black object near them I'd be squawking, too.

Does anyone know of a place like this in the metro Atlanta area?  I'm all about fresh, local produce and I've never been to DeKalb Farmer's Market or anywhere like that.  Recommendations gladly accepted!

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