Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tag... you're it!

I love fun surprises!  On Monday, Erin { a sweet friend and fabulous old roommate who's currently living the sunny life in California } tagged me in a quiz post she wrote.  As a relative newcomer to the blog world, I've never done one of these sorts of things.  And apparently rules apply.  { Emily Post, honey.  Get with it.  I need a guidebook to this Internet etiquette thing. }

So, without further ado { and no, it's not "adieu"... that's French for "goodbye" }, let the randomness commence!

If there was an extra hour in your day, what would you spend it doing?
OK.  I'm only on question number one and this is already hard.  I can't make up my mind, so we'll go with what I'd do today.  If I had an extra hour right this very moment, I'd probably use it to bake something.  I was on the road almost every week in October, so I haven't had time lately to play with all of the fun fall recipes I want to try!

What movie have you watched the most?
If I'm honest, this one is unbelievably strange and embarrassing to admit.  Growing up in our house, we watched Mrs. Doubtfire about a hundred thousand times.  No, seriously.  We wore out the VHS tape.  And we still quote it.  { "Virginia!  Get back in your cell.  Don't make me get the fire hose!" }  I guess it's kind of like the play count on my iPod.  I haven't seen the movie in forever, but I've watched it so much in the past it's still on top.

Which is worse? Being in a place that is too loud or too quiet?
If I had to choose, I'd rather have somewhere that's too quiet than somewhere that's too loud.  I'm like a kid with shiny objects when it comes to being easily distracted.  The more I try to block something out, the more I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

Are you generally an optimist, a pessimist or a realist?
If you know me, then you already know the answer to this question. : ) Optimist.  All the way.  Here's my train of thought: everything is going to be okay because, well, I don't like the alternative!

Who is your favorite celebrity crush?
Gleek alert.  Mr. Schuester, aka Matthew Morrison.  He's just so stinkin' cute!  { But not as cute as my husband, of course. } That, and I secretly wish my life spontaneously broke out into song.

What is the top thing to do on your bucket list?
I actually have a Bucket List I've been working on for a while now.  For here, I'll go with one of no particular stature in the list, other than that I think it might be kind of unique and I'm going to need some help making it happen.  I would love to be an Imagineer at Disney for a day or a week or really just like an hour.  And I'm dying to go underground at The Magic Kingdom.  I figure I can combine the two somehow.  Does anyone know an Imagineer that might be willing to let me tag along for a day?  I'll gladly return the favor if they like Chick-fil-A! : )

Would you rather be a great photographer, dancer or singer?
When I was four, I got the greatest Christmas present ever.  { Or maybe it was a birthday present.  It's hard to keep them straight when your birthday is actually on Christmas Day.  Anyway, I digress. }  Behold, the STAR STAGE.  We're talking a working microphone, voice synthesizer, and the all-important flashing stage lights.  I played with this thing until I'd Steven-Tylered it across my fireplace "stage" one too many times and the mic would no longer attach to the base.  The living room was my arena and I thought I was Gem with the Holograms singing backup.  Suffice it to say, I wish I could sing.  I mean really sing.  I did musical theater in high school, I sing in the ensemble at church now... but I've always sort of been the backup girl. : )

Now for the fun part.  To the five friends below, now it's your turn.  Let me know if you find Emily Post or her Internet Guide to Etiquette. : )

And here are your questions...

  • What's the last book that you read?  Was it any good?
  • If you could tell your sixteen-year-old self anything, what would it be?
  • What is your biggest pet peeve?
  • If you were a Muppet, who would you be?
  • When you were young, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? { And of course we know we're not grown up yet, are we ladies? }
3... 2... 1... go!


  1. Cute blog, Meg! I love discovering fellow bloggers :)

  2. Yay!! For a newbie to the blog world, I would say you've got it down.. Love your blog!!! Thanks for doing the quiz! :)
