Monday, January 31, 2011

Anchors Away...

There are two kinds of people in this world.  Those who love cruises and those who don't.  Or perhaps more accurately, those who've never been.  My family growing up was definitely the latter.  We were more of the "fly somewhere, rent a car and drive as far as possible in every direction" kind of people.  Maybe it was because we lived in southern Florida and had about all we could handle of sand and such, but I've only set foot on a "cruise" ship once.  { And I use quotation marks for a reason.  It was a retired ship, re-commissioned to send students on educational tours around the Mediterranean.  I was 17 and I went with the Latin Club.  I'm told that doesn't count as cruising. }

My husband's family on the other hand... cruisers.  Big time.  As in, he can quote tonnage and berth and uses words like "aft" and "lido deck."  He even hit the $1500 jackpot in a game of Bingo on a boat when he was 10.  The kid's been on maybe a dozen cruises in his lifetime.

With our first anniversary fast approaching, we'd like to go somewhere tropical.  Spencer's vote?  A cruise, of course.  Me?  I'm worried about crowds, cheesy tour directors, tacky decor and buffets of mediocre food all aboard a giant floating Holiday Inn.  { That, and the possibility of the power going out and us being stuck at sea for days in the dark with only Pop Tarts and SPAM to eat.  And then there's that whole Titanic thing.  Are there icebergs in the Caribbean? }

{ I mean, this looks nice! }
In the spirit of don't-knock-it-'til-you've-tried-it, though, I'm willing to give it a shot.  After a bit of research and trying to overcome the stereotypes in my head, my wish list is as follows:
  • Preferably Not on Carnival - For some reason this just conjures up images of loud and tacky boats full of crazy college kids on Spring Break.  Fun when you're one of them... but it seems like that might put a damper on the whole romantic anniversary getaway thing.  Celebrity, Royal Carribbean, Cunard, Crystal... those sound more my style.
  • Avoid Mexico - While I'm sure it's beautiful, and I'd love to see the Mayan Ruins, I don't exactly want to run into a drug cartel.  And I have visions of Senor Frogs.
  • Balcony/Window - If we can afford it, I'd love to have a view of some kind.  I've come to grips that the room will be small, but a little sunshine would be nice.
  • Leave Out of Ft. Lauderdale - I'd love to tack on a day or two and show Spencer where I grew up.
  • Budget - I'm a champagne girl on a beer budget.  Of this I am well aware.  But I refuse to feel like I have to wear socks in our room at all times.  So there has to be a balance.  Where is the TJ Maxx of vacations?
{ Calgon, take me away! }
So, when you cross-reference my wish list with the one week we'd be able to go... there is only one cruise that matches them all.  And of course, it's the newest, fanciest, largest ship in the world. { Read: fabulous, but way too expensive. }  Something's gotta give.

We could sacrifice the line and go on Carnival.  But looking at the virtual tours online makes me think it might be like vacationing aboard Liberace's houseboat.  Then again, we could get a better room since the they are less expensive.

Or, we could leave out of Port Canaveral... which means we could drive { parking at the port would be cheaper than airfare } and be on Royal Caribbean, though not on the brand-new fancy-schmancy boat.  The ship seems very nice and only a few years old, but we would make one stop in Mexico.

So... if you're one of the few people still reading this { hi Mom! }. what do you think?  Have you ever been on a cruise?  Any tips for a first-timer?


  1. Hi Meg! You and Spencer are going to have so much fun! I have actually only been on one cruise in high school and it was on Royal Caribbean. I definitely see the benefits/disadvantages to just flying somewhere vs. cruising somewhere. One major advantage to cruising though is not having to plan much - just sign up and go! I think you would be okay with the one stop in Mexico - the cruise line wouldn't make the stop if they felt it was unsafe (many cruise lines have canceled stops to some of the ports).

  2. 1) I really wouldn't recommend Carnival. I've heard nothing but negative things from friends who have experienced the cruise line. Remember, even if you have a nice room, you still have to experience the trip with everyone else. :)
    2) I've heard great things about Norwegian and Royal Caribbean.
    3) One day in Mexico won't kill you. :)
    4) Read for some great cruise recaps! Leslie is the gal I spent my marathon morning with and she spent a few miles selling me on it :)
    5) PS Don't go the weekend I'm coming to Atlanta
    6) Now I sort of want to go on a cruise with you!

  3. I hope y'all have fun! This entry had me cracking up!
