Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowpacalypse 2011

We missed the snow at Christmas because we were at my parents' house... but not to worry.  Jack Frost brought even more last night!  We went to bed to find big, fat flakes falling at an alarming rate.  And we woke to a email saying the office was closed because of the winter wonderland.  And good thing, too, because we'd have never gotten out.  Observe Exhibit A:
{ This is after ten minutes of trying to open the door to the deck because there were 6" of snow in the way. }
And at 4:00 this afternoon when we finally ventured out of the house, all of that nice, fluffy snow was covered in about a half inch of ice.  Observe Exhibit B.

Which, coincidentally, makes for some seriously craggy peaks when you walk. { Does the word "craggy" or any reference to the word "crag" remind anyone else of Nickelodeon GUTS?  No?  Okay.  Moving on then. }

On our afternoon expedition we came across a few other neighbors out and about.  There was sledding in a kiddie pool { and not just for the kiddies } ...

And of course you know Spencer was all about making some snowballs.

We also discovered that we have talented neighbors in coming across two hilarious snowmen.  One of which resembles some strange combination of Madonna and a Viking.  The other one is wearing a bikini and has a martini.  Please someone take credit for these!

My husband will tell you that the cool thing about ice is that it enables large pieces of snow on the bridge railing to stick together like a sword... and that they're fun to throw into the creek.

Even our cute little royal bulldog, who's under a covered porch, was blanketed in snow.

{ Alison, we LOVE him! We named him Rex. }
Given that the temperature isn't supposed to get above freezing for several days at least... we'll be home tomorrow, too.  Good think I fought the madness at Publix on Saturday!

Stay warm out there!

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