Sunday, May 15, 2011

You Pick 'Em

I love where my parents live.  There's just room to breathe.  If it wasn't so far from the office and from civilization... we might just live out that way.

One of the perks: Deer Creek Farms is nearby.  Not only can you stop by for some of the freshest, most delicious produce around... you can actually pick your own!
Today's crop... strawberries.  The smaller, the sweeter!
The growing season has been unusually short because of all the cold we had this winter, but these were some of the best berries I've ever eaten.  Blackberries will be ripe and ready to pick toward the end of the month, so if you're in Macon, Forsyth or the vicinity... stop by Deer Creek!  Last year's blackberries were unreal, and I'm sure this year's will be just as good.  { And if you don't have time to pick, they have them pre-picked, too. }

Now, there are some things I don't like about middle Georgia.  Like these little boogers, for example.
{ Guess he wanted a strawberry, too. }
Cicadas.  And not just your garden variety summer cicada, either.  Meet Brood XIX.  These dudes lay in hiding for 13 years and make one heck of a racket to let you know they're back. { When these bugs last saw the light of day, *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys were big.  And I still had braces. }

Their welcome wagon sounds nothing like a cricket chirp.  We're talking all day, every day, I-think-it's-a-burglar-alarm-down-the-road wailing.  When we first heard it on Easter Sunday, Dad and Spencer drove around the neighborhood trying to figure out who's alarm was going off.  People were calling 911 because they thought it was a tornado siren.  It's supposed to last through most of the summer.

Maybe you get used to it.  But I haven't.  At least they hush at night!

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