Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Bandwagon

I think that just about everyone I know has a blog.  My sister, my co-workers, good friends from college... ok maybe not everyone.  But still.  It looks like fun.

That, and in my head I'm constantly logging things.  I've never been much on physically keeping a journal (though I'm jealous of those who do).  Mine's just all in my head.  And I love to write.  So, this blog is an attempt to combine the two and capture all of the experiences that come with this fun phase of life.

So, without further ado... the blogosphere can add another girl to the roster.  Here goes!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. King,

    You are a terrific writer and I loved reading all the blog. You have certainly inspired me and I've posted for the first time. I sure hope I can keep up the writing because I think it is good to get it down on paper, even if it is electronic.
