Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Sublime Saturday Morning

Kates came to visit this morning, which meant we had the perfect excuse to return to our new favorite
{ indulgent } breakfast spot: Sublime Doughnuts.  Spencer and I have been there on a breakfast date, I've been with my team from the office, I went back with another group from the office... mention breakfast meeting and I've got the perfect spot.
If you live in Atlanta and haven't been, you are seriously missing out.  This place is to doughnuts what Flip is to burgers.  You won't find any ordinary jelly doughnuts at Sublime.  More along the lines of deliciousness like their A-Town Cream { shown above }, a custard-filled Belgian dark chocolate-topped confection.  Or the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  No explanation necessary there.  And the Orange Dream Star, which made Creative Loafing's list of "100 Things To Eat Before You Die."

Where is this list?  And how do I start eating my way through it?

Back to this morning.  Sublime is nestled between a sandwich place and a tattoo parlor on 10th Street near Georgia Tech and Rocky Mountain Pizza.  It doesn't look like much from the outside.  In fact, the sign only says "DONUT".  { Just one. }  We, however, shared seven.

I know, I know.  But we could have easily gotten 12.  You try going in there and practicing restraint.  Besides, seven is the Biblical number of completion.

Actually, we started with six and they brought out a bacon one.  So we made it seven.  Who says no to bacon?

Behold, our breakfast.

First, there's my favorite.  The fresh Strawberries 'N Cream.  And I don't even like filled doughnuts.
When they say fresh strawberries, they mean fresh.  The doughnut is light and fluffy with just the right amount of sweetness.
Then there's the S'mores { below left } and Spencer's favorite, the Maple Bacon Cheddar { below right }.  He would like the bacon one.
Check out the gooey toasted marshmallow goodness.  Holy jeez.
This isn't just any bacon either.  It's candied bacon.  When you thought bacon couldn't get any better.
Here's the famous Orange Dream Star { below left } and the White Chocolate Peach Fritter { below right }.
Now, I wasn't sure if the Orange Dream Star would live up to the hype.  I'm not a big orange-flavored person.  Orange juice?  Yes.  Orange flavor?  Usually not so much.  Growing up in Florida makes you an orange snob.  But this was delicious with sunny, bright flavor.  Not orange Tang like I was expecting.
This little plaque on the shelf really sums it all up.
So... Sublime Doughnuts.  They're closed entirely on Mondays and early on Sundays.  But by all means, go!

Sublime Doughnuts
535 10th Street Northwest
Atlanta, GA 30318

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